Urgent Need to Protect Anak Sarawak

Sarawak Women for Women Society, Press Release - 25 March 2024 Sarawak Women for Women Society, while welcoming the Federal Government’s decision to withdraw two of the proposed changes to the Constitution which would have stopped the automatic right to citizenship of foundlings, remains deeply concerned that other regressive amendments remain. If the proposed amendments are passed, by…

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Open letter to Cabinet regarding proposals to amend citizenship laws in Malaysia

Press Release - 21 June 2023We, the undersigned Civil Society Organizations, are writing with regard to ongoing deliberations within government to amend Part III of the Federal Constitution and its related schedules.We welcome the government’s efforts to address longstanding issues relating to the citizenship of children born abroad to Malaysian citizen mothers, through amendments to include “mother”…

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JAG: Malaysian Government should uphold the gender equality principle by allowing Malaysian mothers to confer citizenship to their children born overseas

Press Release - 8 August 2022The Joint Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG) is deeply disappointed by the decision of the Court of Appeal on 5 August 2022 which denied the rights of Malaysian mothers in conferring citizenship to their children born overseas. The Court of Appeal, in a majority of 2 to 1, arrived at its…

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Where is Gender Equality?

Sarawak Women for Women Society, Press Release - 8 August 2022 SWWS is astonished and appalled by the recent majority decision of the Appeal Court which denies Malaysian women married to foreigners the same rights as Malaysian men to automatically pass on their citizenship to their children born overseas. This overturning of last year’s High Court ruling which…

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SWWS Applauds Help to Stateless Children

Sarawak Women for Women Society, Press Release - 10 April 2022 Sarawak Women for Women Society (SWWS) fully supports the State’s Government’s decision to issue temporary documentation to stateless children as announced by YB Dato Sri Fatimah Abdullah recently.“This is a life-saving measure, as it will ease these children’s access to health care and education while their…

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SWWS: Baffled by Government’s Decision

Sarawak Women for Women Society, Press Release - 14 September 2021 Sarawak Women for Women Society is stunned that the Attorney General, in the name of the Government, has appealed against the recent learned judge’s decision to grant the same rights of citizenship to children born overseas to Malaysian women married to foreigners as is given to…

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Why Discriminate Against Women?

Sarawak Women for Women Society, Press Release - 19 May 2021 SWWS is dumfounded that the Malaysian Government has appealed against a recent court decision which dismissed their stance that six mothers’ legal action to have their children born overseas to foreign fathers automatically entitled to citizenship was frivolous, vexatious and abuse of court processes.The mothers brought…

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SWWS Calls for Collaboration to Meet the Best Interests of Stateless Children

Sarawak Women for Women Society, Press Release - 31 July 2020 Sarawak Women for Women Society (SWWS) is calling for both the Federal and State governments to focus on the best interest of the child so that a smooth collaborative, effective and speedy system can be established for the many stateless children living here to have a…

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