Press Releases

Charge With Infanticide Not Murder
SWWS applauds the statement from the Parliamentary Special Select Committee for Women, Children and Social Development reminding the authorities that when a mother appears to have ended her child's life within 24 hours after birth that she should be charged with infanticide, not murder, and have access to legal and psychological support.
Malay Mail 2022
Joint Press Release || Child Rights

What true Keluarga Malaysia means and looks like for our children
All laws, policies and institutions must be examined to see if they are discriminatory in any way and active steps taken to rectify this. All national and private institutions and policies must promote inclusion – the true meaning of ‘Keluarga Malaysia’.
As always, we ask that the government of the day listen to the voices of our children and meet their real needs.
Borneo Post 2021
Sexual Harassment Act

Pass Sexual Harassment Act without Delay
There is an urgent need to have a comprehensive Sexual Harassment Act in place promptly and clear information to the public so those encountering such abuse know how to report.
Dayak Daily 2021

Why Discriminate against Women?
Transnational marriage is becoming more common in these global days and there are many reasons why women can be abroad at the time of birth, including for study, and then return home.
Why should they and their children face discrimination?
Malaysia Kini 2021
Sanitary Protection

Old Marians, SWWS donate sanitary pads to needy
Old Marian Association #JagaSamaDirik project has expanded to include sanitary pads supply for needy girls and women during the Movement Control Order (MCO).
Borneo Post 2020
Domestic Violence

SWWS: Be aware and report cases of domestic violence
Sarawak Women for Women Society (SWWS) has urged the public to be vigilant of domestic violence in their neighbourhood during movement control (MCO) and immediately report such incidents.
Daily Dayak 2020

Citizenship: Do for stateless kids what you did for Krasniqi, says SWWS
Stateless children in Malaysia deserve the same political will that saw the fast-tracking of citizenship granted to Kosovan footballer Liridon Krasniqi, says Sarawak Women for Women Society (SWWS).
Borneo Post 2020

SWWS: Case of detained Malaysians in Cambodia a wake-up call of sorts
The detention of 47 Malaysians, including 44 Sarawakians in Cambodia since last year seems to be a case of exploitation and trafficking that raises many questions.
Dayak Daily 2020
Domestic Violence

SWWS calls for law on prostitution amended
Section 372B makes importuning or soliciting for the purpose of prostitution a crime. Nowhere in this, or other sections of the penal code is the man buying the service criminalized. This can and should be changed.
Borneo Post Online 2020

Sarawak Women for Women Society (SWWS) applauds the move by the government to look into making stalking a crime.
According to SWWS currently, there are no laws on anti-stalking in Malaysia. “In the absence of any relevant anti-stalking law, victims of stalking have no avenue to turn to gain protection,”
Borneo Post 2019
Finger Rape

Shock over rape acquittal
The Sarawak Women for Women Society (SWWS) wants better protection of children from sexual abuse following the acquittal of a man convicted earlier of raping a minor.
The Star 2015