Acquittal of 60 Year Old Man of Child Rape Sets Dangerous Precedent

Sarawak Women for Women Society is shocked and appalled that a man, who caused his colleague’s then 14 year-old daughter to conceive a child, has walked free after the Appeal Court found his conviction on four charges of rape unsound on 7 May 2015. This is even more perplexing when DNA testing proved he is the father…

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SWWS conducts seminar to raise awareness on crime issues for Penan women in Baram

The Sarawak Women for Women Society (SWWS) recently conducted a seminar entitled Women Against Crime “Seminar Wanita Anti Jenayah (WAJA)” at Long Lama, Baram. Issues of human trafficking, drug mules and sexual violence were discussed and shared with the participants. Why are Malaysian women targeted and tricked by syndicates to be drug mules? Why are Malaysian women…

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Inviting Women To A Counselling Course

Sarawak Women for Women Society, Press Release - 28 September 2012 The Sarawak Women for Women Society (SWWS) is inviting women to a counselling course. The course covers counseling skills and a variety of issues affecting women, family and children.  SWWS is conducting this course with the aim of recruiting volunteers to run the Women’s Crisis Phoneline operated…

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