Use the Sexual Offences Against Children Act As Intended

Sarawak Women for Women Society, Press ReleaseUse the Sexual Offences Against Children Act As Intended Back in 2017 Malaysia was hailed for passing progressive legislation to protect children from sexual predators.The country had been rocked by the news that the serial paedophile Richard Huckle from Britain had operated undetected for years in KL with it being estimated…

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Call to Amend Law on Prostitution

Sarawak Women for Women Society, Press Release - 14 October 2020 Sarawak Women for Women Society (SWWS) is very concerned that recently a woman in Sibu, after pleading guilty to a charge of prostitution under section 372B of the Penal Code, faces a prison sentence if unable to pay the fine imposed while her male client goes…

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SWWS Calls for Collaboration to Meet the Best Interests of Stateless Children

Sarawak Women for Women Society, Press Release - 31 July 2020 Sarawak Women for Women Society (SWWS) is calling for both the Federal and State governments to focus on the best interest of the child so that a smooth collaborative, effective and speedy system can be established for the many stateless children living here to have a…

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Keep Home Safe

Sarawak Women for Women Society, Press Release - 25 March 2020 Staying home is crucial to stop the COVID-19 pandemic, but is home safe for everyone is the concern of Sarawak Women for Women Society.Homes vary not just in size -  from mansions to rented rooms – and number of people but also in group dynamics.At this…

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Sarawakians arrested in Cambodia: – Action Needed at Many Levels

Sarawak Women for Women Society, Press Release - 8 February 2019 Sarawak Women for Women Society shares the public concern for the 47 Malaysians arrested in Cambodia who appear to be victims of exploitation and trafficking. There are many questions to be answered as the details of this traumatic experience are uncovered.  These include: -Why were there delays…

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Anti-Stalking Law Timely

Sarawak Women for Women Society, Press Release - 28 January 2019 Sarawak Women for Women Society (SWWS) applaud the move by the Law Ministry to look into making stalking a crime. Currently, there are no laws on anti-stalking in Malaysia. In the absence of any relevant anti-stalking law, victims of stalking have no avenue to turn to…

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