Charge With Infanticide Not Murder

Sarawak Women for Women Society, Press Release - 14 February 2022 Sarawak Women for Women Society (SWWS) applauds the statement from the Parliamentary Special Select Committee (PSSC) for Women, Children and Social Development reminding the authorities that when a mother appears to have ended her child’s life within 24 hours after birth that she should be charged…

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JAG: Call for immediate resignation of Siti Zailah Mohd Yusoff, Deputy Minister of Women

Press Release - 14 February 2022The Joint Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG) demands the resignation of Siti Zailah Mohd Yusoff as Deputy Minister of Women, Family, and Community Development for her statement in support of domestic violence. In a two-minute video released on social media, the deputy minister shared marital advice including recommending that husbands use a…

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SWWS Call to Voters and Candidates

Sarawak Women for Women Society, Press Release - 13 December 2021 As an NGO committed to gender equality and effectively addressing all forms of abuse, especially gender based violence, Sarawak Women for Women Society (SWWS) calls on all candidates to make clear their stance on these issues and for voters to only support those who realise the…

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Relaunching of SWWS Women’s Crisis Phoneline to support women in distress

Sarawak Women for Women Society (SWWS) is pleased to announce the relaunching of their Women’s Crisis Phoneline with new operation hours and updated service number to support more women in need. The service will resume on 4th October 2021.SWWS Women’s Crisis Phoneline has been in operation since 1988. It is a non-political, non-religious, multi-racial, and multi-lingual service…

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SWWS: Baffled by Government’s Decision

Sarawak Women for Women Society, Press Release - 14 September 2021 Sarawak Women for Women Society is stunned that the Attorney General, in the name of the Government, has appealed against the recent learned judge’s decision to grant the same rights of citizenship to children born overseas to Malaysian women married to foreigners as is given to…

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Pass Sexual Harassment Act without Delay

Sarawak Women for Women Society, Press Release - 24 August 2021 Sarawak Women for Women Society calls on Malaysia’s new government under Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob to table the Sexual Harassment Bill this year as more protection is urgently needed.At a recent Webinar SWWS hosted, entitled Cyber Sexual Harassment: Are We Protected?, participants in…

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Why Discriminate Against Women?

Sarawak Women for Women Society, Press Release - 19 May 2021 SWWS is dumfounded that the Malaysian Government has appealed against a recent court decision which dismissed their stance that six mothers’ legal action to have their children born overseas to foreign fathers automatically entitled to citizenship was frivolous, vexatious and abuse of court processes.The mothers brought…

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Teen rape in lock-up, SWWS calls for serious review of SOPs in police lock-up

Sarawak Women for Women Society, Press Release - 22 January 2021 Sarawak Women for Women Society (SWWS) refers to the very recent case of a 16 year-old girl who was allegedly raped by a male detainee in the lock-up at a police station in Miri, Sarawak.It is appalling that a 16 year-old girl could be raped by…

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SWWS Calls for Compassion

Sarawak Women for Women Society, Press Release - 24 November 2020 Covid 19 has affected all families especially transnational ones who had one or more members away from their Malaysian homes when lockdown began.  These families, where one partner is Malaysian and one not, have had to endure months of separation as the foreign spouse has been…

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